My Top 10 NBA Haircuts

[mike miller]
10. Mike Miller, Memphis Grizzlies — Nice girls high school basketball headband thing there, Mike.
[louis amundson]
9. Louis Amundson, Philadelphia 76ers — Now featuring the “get the hair outta my face” sumo-esque ponytail.
[anderson varejao]
8. Anderson Verajao, Cleveland Cavaliers — Ahhh, it’s so cute.
[adam morrison]
7. Adam Morrison, Charlotte Bobcats — Nothing says “I don’t care about my hair” like Morrison’s. The ‘stache, well, you know.
[mikki moore]
6. Mikki Moore, Sacramento Kings — Gotta love the dreds.
[ben wallace]
5. Ben Wallace, Chicago Bulls — He should go with the ‘Fro full time.
[chris kaman]
4. Chris Kaman, Los Angeles Clippers — Whee!
[joakim noah]
3. Joakim Noah, Chicago Bulls — Big hair. Will it match his game?
[scot pollard]
2. Scot Pollard, Boston Celtics — Pollard has a new do every year. The former Jayhawk is always keepin’ us in suspense.
[walter herrmann]
1. Walter Herrmann, Charlotte Bobcats — the #1 NBA haircut award goes to none other than Walter Herrmann, the Fabio of the NBA.
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