(img courtesy of riffsyphon1024)
- I want to be flexible and not stubborn, stiff-necked and stuck in my ways.
- I want to have the courage to say “I don’t know” and then earnestly seek understanding and knowledge.
- I want to be an encouragement, not someone who sucks the life and passion out of people.
- I want to be excited about the exercise of passion and creativity.
- I want to listen, hear and understand what people are saying to me not just nod my head and then forget it.
- I want to be genuine and honest. I want people to know the real me, not just my public face.
- I want to care about people with my actions not just my words.
- I want to view people not by outward appearances or by numbers and statistics but with discernment.
- I want to be approachable and friendly, taking time out for people even when it interrupts my schedule.
- I want to speak the truth in love, not just speak the truth.
- I want to people to have good, solid reasons to trust me.
- I want to let other people take the credit for something awesome.
So, how about you?
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