Recursively Republishing Triggered Send Definitions

I do love well though-out SFMC email architectures, especially ones that are modular. One of the drawbacks of using the AMPscript reference blocks for sharing content across email definitions is that, while the actual changes are done in only a few places, getting the actual send definitions updated requires an additional step — republishing. This goes for Journey emails, also.

Here’s a script that I wrote to automate pausing, publishing and starting Triggered Send Definitions (TSD) by folder. It’ll recursively traverse the folder structure if you have a bunch of nested folders. Results of the process are logged in a Data Extension. To get started, create a Data Extension with this schema:

Name: republish_trigger_log
External Key: republish_trigger_log

Here’s the script — just update line 10 with the parent folder’s Category ID.

This script starts at the CategoryID specified on line 10 and loops down through all of the child folders.

NOTE: You can find the Category ID by inspecting the URL at the bottom of your browser when you hover over the folder in SFMC.

When it encounters and “Active” Triggered Send Definition, it pauses, publishes and starts it. Results of those three actions are recorded in republish_trigger_log.

I recommend running this Script Activity in an unscheduled Automation.

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