Quote from The Tangible Kingdom

They won’t be picking leaders based on the leader’s ability to preach or organize a religious institution. They will be following people they want to be with and live like.

by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay, The Tangible Kingdom

Lessons from 1st & 2nd Grade Church Camp

Well, I survived three days of 1st and 2nd grade church camp in Bethany, MO (June 7-9).

Being with my son as his counselor was pretty sweet. I was a proud dad — the whole time.

Here’s a few things I learned.

  • If you sleep in the air-conditioning with a wet beach towel instead of your sleeping bag, you will get cold at night.
  • I don’t care if it’s uncool to do all of the crazy actions to the camp songs. You should have seen me getting down on the “Drive the Bus” song. Some of the actions are in the Evolution of Dance video I posted earlier.
  • Yes, 1st and 2nd graders can have a serious discussion about where God came from. However, they may not want your input or like your answers.
  • Kids can actually have too much sugar.
  • Some kids are under too much pressure and responsibility at home. It was really sad hearing about the burdens some of the kids were carrying around.
  • The kids with the biggest mouths are sometimes the biggest wusses.
  • If the boys only knew that someday they might actually like girls, they wouldn’t be so dead-set on getting them back based on some rumor. It was boggling how rumors spread like wildfire and how many clandestine plots were hatched to exact revenge on the girls.